1. How does your price match work?
Our price match ensures that if you find a lower price for the same product elsewhere, we'll match it. Simply provide us with the details, and we'll make sure you get the best deal.

2. How much is the delivery fee?
We offer Australia-wide delivery, and the delivery fee may vary based on your location and the size of your order. Please refer to our Shipping & Delivery page for detailed information.

3. Do you deliver Australia wide?
Yes, we deliver our premium bathroom and kitchen products to customers nationwide.

4. How fast will I get my order after placing it online?
Delivery times vary based on your location. For estimated delivery times, please refer to our Shipping & Delivery page.

5. Can I order online and pick up?
Yes, we offer a convenient online ordering system with the option for local pick-up. Select the pick-up option during checkout.

6. Do you offer a warranty on your products?
Yes, we stand behind the quality of our products. Please check the warranty information provided with each product for specific details.

7. Are items you sell watermarked and meet Australian Standards?
Absolutely. Our products are watermarked and adhere to the highest Australian Standards for quality and safety.

8. Why should I buy bathroom supplies online from Bathroom Warehouse Direct?
We provide a wide range of premium products at competitive prices, backed by excellent customer service and nationwide delivery.

9. What bathroom supplies do you sell?
Our product range includes bathroom vanities, faucets, showers, toilets, accessories, and more. Explore our online store for the full selection.

10. What should I consider when choosing bathroom supplies?
Factors such as style, functionality, size, and budget play a role. Our knowledgeable team is ready to assist you in making the right choices.

11. Do you have a physical bathroom store?
We operate primarily as an online store, allowing us to offer competitive prices. Visit our website to explore our extensive range.

12. What essential bathroom supplies do I need?
Essential supplies may include a vanity, toilet, shower, faucet, and accessories. Tailor your choices to meet your specific needs and preferences.

13. Do you only sell bathroom supplies?
While our primary focus is on bathroom supplies, we also offer premium kitchen products to enhance every aspect of your home.

14. How can I place an order?
Simply browse our online store, add items to your cart, and follow the easy checkout process. Contact us if you need assistance.

15. Can I modify an order after payment?
Unfortunately, once payment is processed, modifications may be challenging. Contact our customer service for assistance.

16. Do you deliver outside Australia?
Currently, we only offer delivery within Australia.

17. How long does delivery take?
Delivery times vary by location. For estimated delivery times, please refer to our Shipping & Delivery page.